28 June 2012

California dreamin'

Officially traded in my California license for a New York one, but Best Coast has me wondering...

25 June 2012

Beyoncé - Run The World (Girls)

baddest b

21 June 2012

making up for lost time

i've been reading maniacally since i graduated in february (7 books to the day).  it's a bit of a shame that i'm only now, at nearly 26, coming to enjoy reading for leisure!  nevertheless, the should-haves are now more present than ever, and the roundabout means by which i select each book to read is quite amusing.  i finished Cakes and Ale by Maugham this afternoon, and it was just beautiful. 

now i'm on to anna karenina, and i'm tremendously excited.

20 June 2012

Aw man.  Andrew Sarris passed away today.  I was very lucky to take two classes with him, most notably an auteurist study of Hitchcock, a couple years ago when I was doing my undergrad at Columbia.

New Yorker article here

mothers last word to her son - washington phillips