28 June 2010

magical words with magical meanings. word of the day 3.


1. A stone, ring, or other object engraven [sic] with figures or characters, to which are attributed the occult powers of the planetary influences and celestial configurations under which it was made; usually worn as an amulet to avert evil from or bring fortune to the wearer; also medicinally used to impart healing virtue; hence, any object held to be endowed with magic virtue; a charm.

27 June 2010

word of the day 2.

Kontal-kontil: Indonesian for the swinging of long earrings or the swaying of a woman's dress as she walks.

26 June 2010

word of the day.


"No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom."

-- Nabokov

read more here.

25 June 2010

almost famous.

about a month ago i met "mates of state" on the subway. i used to listen to them in high school. and now i'm listening to them again. they made a music video. and a video of the making of the music video. i'm in both. i cameo at the beginning of the first and make a "bigger appearance" (the videographer's words) at the end of the second. if you've ever wanted to know what i look and sound like on film, now's your chance. take it or leave it. i'm almost famous.

i'm almost a quarter of a century old!

for my birthday this year i'm going to buy myself a high capacity stapler.

this summer i am going to learn how to make macarons.

this fall i am going to use a backpack.

next year i will learn german.

22 June 2010

nothing more be said about it.

What is your greatest ambition in life?

To become immortal then die.

21 June 2010

belly boat

i hate the process of going to sleep so i am up eating 365 tortilla chips. i've mastered bad habits and i've a round belly to show for it. ho hum

16 June 2010

What in motion pictures can change the world more than Astaire and Rogers dancing?

i made a book earlier this year. actually, it is a compilation of words and images from my favorite book, "Zeroville" by Steve Erickson. below is the product of more than 20 hours of research and more than six readings of the same book in a three month period. unfortunately, there are a few typographical errors that i overlooked before uploading and printing, sorry. it is a really awesome book, but please don't buy it; i have probably broken 27 laws just by putting it on the internet.

If you've read Zeroville by Steve Erickson then you are familiar with the abstruse references to films you have, have not and/or should see. "This Isn't Alphaville! This is Zerovile!" is a compilation and humble attempt to fill the lacunae left by our favourite cinéaste, Vicar, and it is by no means complete. The project is an obeisance to our inner cinéautisticism. I do not wish to make money off this book. Rather, I want to share it with anyone who has been similarly smitten by Erickson's indelible work. That, or the ghost of Montgomery Clift.

come back, shane.

The Westerner is arguably cinema's greatest archetype. Is it possible to experience The Westerner? Because that's how it totally is for me. American Kabuki, or somesuch.

11 June 2010

on a word.

recordar (v. Spanish): to remember, to pass back through the heart